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Our Purpose

Our purpose, first and foremost, is to please our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We want to glorify Christ in our community, our region, and ultimately throughout the world.  This purpose affects everything we do, from conducting our services to handling our ministries.  We are striving to pass this purpose on to our church members, teaching from a biblical perspective what our purpose on this earth as a born-again believers should be. 

Pastor and Wife

Pastor Ed Hannahs

Pastor Hannahs is the senior pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church.  Called of God and by the church in August of 1997, he and his family have watched God glorify Himself through their faithfulness to the Lord.

Assistant Pastor and Wife

Mike Hargrave

Mike Hargrave is the assistant pastor and is the epitome of a servant. Mike has been serving the Lord and the family of Fellowship Baptist for over forty years. God gave Mike a heart for teaching children. His joy is to see the young children equipped with truth to impact their homes and overcome our culture.

Fellowship Baptist Church

Moo Thaw

  Moo Thaw is our Karen pastor here at Fellowship. He and his family came from the refugee camps of Thailand. Moo Thaw was brought to Fellowship Baptist by God's leading. He serves the Karen people of our community with joy. Moo Thaw's burden is to see Karen people follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

Youth Pastor

David Heckart

David Heckart ministers to the Latino culture of our community. David and is wife were raised in the homes of missionaries in South America. They are equipped to help the Latino culture, have a great love for people, and a sincere compassion to help and lift others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Our Staff
Our History

Fellowship Baptist Church of Marshalltown, Iowa was founded in 1963. 

Through the years the Lord has blessed in many wonderful ways with souls saved and called into full-time ministry around the nation. The question "have you heard the good news?" continues to be the theme of our heart as we strive to reach our area with the Good News. Jesus Christ is known and loved at Fellowship Baptist Church and it is our desire that others may know the joy and power of Jesus Christ and his love. 

As recipients of God's unmerited grace, we have a zeal for spreading the good news of Christ! Our message to sinners is simple: call upon the name of the Lord and be saved! To believers, we say, join us in putting Christ at the center of life and strive to make Jesus known and loved. 

At Fellowship Baptist one goal takes precedence over all else, making Jesus known and loved. To know Him is to love Him and our name reflects the truth that true fellowship is found in Jesus Christ.

Fellowship Baptist Church logo
Fellowship Baptist Church4

Fellowship Baptist Church is a local assembly of born again believers that believe in the Word of God and are seeking to influence their community with the gospel of Christ.


1008 East Olive Street

Marshalltown, IA 50158


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